Home Birth
and Birth Center Birth
Options Available

Your Midwifery Care
Start with a meet and greet consultation
and tour of the lovely Mount Vernon Birth Center

Clients must be healthy and low risk to birth at the Mount Vernon Birth Center. Midwifery care is designed to help you remain low risk. Education and shared decision making are key.

Comprehensive Care
Midwives offer lab work, referrals for ultrasounds, prenatal testing, and provide continuous care through labor and birth. Your midwife will also care for you and baby postpartum for a good start.

Insurance Accepted
Most insurance plans are accepted including Apple Health WA Medicaid. **Be sure to ask about non-covered fees such as birth assistant fee and birth kit for homebirth clients.*
What is high risk?
Twins, breech, diabetes that needs medications, preeclampsia, and hypertension are all high risk scenarios. VBAC in the birth center setting is not allowed by the state at this time. (hopefully this will change in the next year.)
Licensed midwives are able to use meds to control hemorrhage, perineal repairs, shock, seizure, IV fluids, and oxygen. Antibiotics to treat GBS is also available if you choose.
EMS and the local hospital are minutes away, although rarely needed.
Birth Assistants
Birth assistants are a skilled colleague that is called in to assist the midwife. They chart, draw meds, are trained in neonatal resuscitation and CPR . They are an extra set of hands to help things run smoothly.
How much will it cost?
Find our what your estimate of cost for midwifery care is
based on your insurance.
It is highly recommended that all clients apply for Apple Health!
The income guidelines are different for pregnancy.